How to Win Big Scholarships in Canada in 2022


Canadian scholarships often go unclaimed, even though they’re designed to help you reach your goals and further your education. Although most scholarships don’t require much in the way of experience or previous success, you may be missing out on the big-money awards that could make all the difference in covering your tuition and living costs while you’re going to school. In order to maximize your chances of winning big scholarships in Canada in 2022, keep these tips in mind throughout your high school years and beyond.


Understand the eligibility criteria

Scholarship eligibility criteria varies from organization to organization. Some scholarships have no requirements, while others have very specific requirements. You can find a list of the most common eligibility criteria below:

  1. Must be an undergraduate student
  2. Must be enrolled full-time or part-time at an accredited college or university
  3. Must be a current high school student
  4. Must be an American citizen
  5. Must not already hold another bachelor's degree
  6. Must be able to provide proof of income
  7. Must not already receive financial aid 
  8. Must be of minority descent
  9. Must be willing to serve your country
  10. Must live within close proximity (within 50 miles) to the institution
  11. Must have never been convicted of a felony
  12. Must have never been convicted for any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude
  13. The scholarship may only go to people who are citizens or permanent residents 
  14. The scholarship may only go to people who are US citizens 


Start your research early

Don't wait until it's too late. All of the scholarships with early deadlines are ones that you want to apply for. It's worth your time to do some research ahead of time and figure out which ones will work for you. When you find the perfect scholarship, check out their website for the application deadline and then get started on your essay!


Keep track of deadlines

The first step is the most important one: set a goal. This quote by Zig Ziglar couldn't be more true than when it comes to winning big scholarships. Setting a goal for what you want and how you'll get it is vital, so make sure you know your strengths and weaknesses. It's also important to note all deadlines for scholarships; keep track of them so that nothing slips through the cracks! If you're not sure where to start, we've listed a few Canadian scholarships available now that might be worth checking out.


Get help from a professional

College is becoming more and more expensive. Thankfully, there are scholarships available for students who are working on something important or who excel in a certain area. Here's how you can get your hands on some of the most prestigious scholarships offered by Canadian universities:

-The University of Waterloo offers up to $100,000 per year -Queen's University offers $20,000 per year -McMaster University has a number of generous scholarships that come with either $5,000 or $10,000 per year -University of Toronto has scholarships for international students worth up to $15,000 per year.


Stay organized

  • Make a list of all the scholarships that you would like to apply for and enter them into a spreadsheet. Include details about each scholarship, such as the deadline date, what you need to do to apply, and whether or not your essay is required. You can also attach links or articles where applicable so it's easier for you to find all the information that you might need.

  • Keep an up-to-date calendar so that you know when everything is due by. This will help make sure that your applications are submitted on time and without any typos!


Write a great essay

It's never too early to start planning for your future. Canadian scholarships can help you get a head start on your education, and set you up with the skills and credentials needed for a successful career. Plus, they're not as difficult to win as you might think! Here are five strategies that will increase your chances of winning big scholarships in Canada.


Follow up

The most important thing you can do when applying for scholarships is to be strategic. There are many different types of scholarships out there, and it's important to know which ones will be best for you. For example, if you want a scholarship that will cover your tuition costs, you'll need to apply for a school-specific scholarship like the BMO Financial Group Rotman Commerce Scholarship. If you're looking for something more general, such as grants or bursaries, the Canadian Federation of University Women might be able to help. You should also start planning early and stay organized by creating a list of all the scholarships that interest you and then making a checklist of what needs to be done before applications are due.

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